Monday, April 25, 2011

The Egg Hunt

Want A Ride Sista?!?

Getting Ready To Be In A Parade? What A Smile!

A Mother's Day Drawing

I had another blogger "friend" host a drawing for me as I don't get any kinda traffic here but wanted to give a few things away for Mother's Day.
The above are the packages I gave.
So cute. In my opinion!
The package included a print from my favorite artist, the lovely talented Kim Haller A.K.A kilsook from A wonderful set of Korean alphabet magnets from another etsy seller and my favorite boy and girl books.
The boy book-Mars Needs Moms by Berkeley Breathed
The girl book-Girls Hold Up This World by Jada Pinkett Smith
These two books are my absolute FAVORITE children's books...Hands down.
I hope the ladies that won love these things just as much when they arrive!
Thanks again Rachel, I really appreciate you hosting!

Eun Jin-A Drawing By Jackson

This adorable little drawing is hanging on my fridge. Jackson drew an updated picture of his sister!

Easter Bunny And Party

The Basket

So Pretty

Coloring Eggs!

Easter 2011-The Dress-This Girl Can Pull Off Yellow...