Wednesday, September 14, 2011


I cannot believe how long families are having to wait to travel for their babes...
It amazes me that anyone can rationalize that this is in the best interest of the kids.
After having an attachment specialist involved in our post adoption and all the things we learned about the different ages and stages of babies/kids emotional growth it just shocks me.
These kids need to be placed with their adoptive families ASAP.
Change needs to take place with adoption programs everywhere.
While I do agree that South Korea is/was appropriate in holding the babies for 5 months in the chance of a parent returning or for domestic adoption, the process for bringing the child to the International adoptive parents should be expedited in some way once there has been a confirmed family match.
All of those waiting, I am so sorry that you are in this position. We brought our girl home at 11 months of age, which worked out fine BUT I would have brought her home sooner if the option was there. OBVIOUSLY...
I look at her strong personality and I am pretty sure she would not have adjusted so well if she were much older when she came to us.
Good Luck to you all, hopefully something will change soon.

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