Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Nothing-------In The Mail

I think maybe I will come up with a different word that means nothing and post it for each day that passes until we get our I600.

I did hear from Primary Children's cardiology today. Nothing exciting to post now, just that one of their doctors is responding to our request for a paper consult. We faxed them the records last Monday. Hopefully this is not going to be a letter stating that they can't consult on patients that aren't theirs??? We contacted them on advice from a friend/cardiologist that I know. I really hope that they will give some suggestions as to what needs to happen from here. The girl said the letter will go out in the mail tomorrow. She could not email it or give me any details contained in it, so I guess I get to look forward to getting the mail maybe on Thursday! Stay tuned...

(Jackson saw me posting this heart picture and said, "Is that her heart? It's broken they need to fix it." He is four years old and we told him Isabella has a broken heart because he constantly asks about her.)


  1. Seriously? I wish there was something I could do to speed things along.

  2. ARGH!!! So frustrating to have things seemingly creep along at a snail's pace...
